Getting files from a remote server

Getting files copies them from the remote site to the local site as read-only. If you are not working in a collaborative environment and you want to get files that have read and write privileges, turn off the Enable File Check In and Check Out option in the Site FTP preferences. See Site FTP preferences. See also About checking in and checking out files.

Dreamweaver records all file transfer activity. If an error occurs when you are transferring a file, the Site FTP log can help you debug the problem. To display the log, from the Site window choose Window > FTP log.

To get files from a remote server:

1 Do one of the following:
Choose File > Open Sites and select the desired site.
Choose the desired site from the Remote Sites list at the top of the Site window.
2 Select the desired files from the pane on the left.
If only one pane appears in the Site window, click the toggle switch at the bottom of the window to display two panes.
3 Do one of the following:
Drag the selected files to the pane on the right.
Click the Get button.
Choose File > Get (Windows) or File > Site Window > Get (Macintosh).
4 Click OK to download any dependent files.

Note: Click Stop Current Task (the red X in the lower right corner) or press Esc (Windows) or Control-. (period) (Macintosh) to abort the file transfer.